Several months ago a friend and member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was visiting Paris. She sent me a postcard with a brief note about all the wonderful sacred sites of Paris, including relics of St. Vincent de Paul. But she put down the wrong address and changed a 3 to an 8. So the postcard ended up many miles north of the parish, and was delivered to a home.
A few weeks later, a couple approached after Mass and told me they had some of my mail. They gave me the postcard and we laughed about the wrong address. But the couple wanted to talk more, so we did. After about half an hour they said that it had been many, many years since they attended Mass, and they thought this was the Lord calling them back, and they promised they would start attending their local parish. They hadn't stopped attending for any strong reason, just drifted away, and said that maybe this was the kickstart they needed to get back to the Church.
So a little memory lapse on the parish address brings someone back to the Church.