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Friday, June 18, 2010

Blackstone Legal Fellowship

Over the past two weeks I’ve had the honor of offering Mass for the Catholic participants in the Blackstone Legal Fellowship, which is a ministry of the Alliance Defense Fund.

The Blackstone fellowship is an intensive nine week program for law students to equip them for facing the moral and ethical challenges in today’s legal system.  You can go to their site for a better explanation.  The students told me of the incredible speakers and programs offered during this two week session in Phoenix.  In fact, I was kind of jealous not to be able to attend the sessions myself.

I just wanted to offer my impressions of the Catholic students who attended Mass each day it was offered.

The students have a very full schedule from early in the morning until quite late at night.  The Mass was an optional part of the Catholic students day, and time that could have been devoted to free time, study, or simply trying to cope with the 100 degree plus days of a Phoenix summer (a few of the days were over 110).  The students who attended Mass were not there out of some sense of obligation, but out of a desire to grow closer to Christ.  I also was asked for some advice and for some impromptu confessions.  In fact, if I have this opportunity again, I’m going to schedule special time for confessions.

I cannot speak highly enough about the Blackstone Legal Fellowship and about the Alliance Defense Fund.  I know Mr. Alan Sears, the President & CEO of ADF and his family.  I know them to be faithful Catholics, in love with Christ and His Church, and alive in Christ in their family and in the world.  I invite you to go to the ADF site and read the section called “Actions” which outlines their current activity, their past victories, and the emerging issues facing all of us.  It is sobering reading, but issues where our prayers and support are needed.

May God continue to bless the efforts of the ADF and Blackstone Fellowship.